What Questions Will Your Marketing Agency Ask You?

In the current competitive business bubble of today,marketing is definitely a way to climb the ladder of success. While businessescan do it on their own, it is highly recommended that they get in touch withthe best digital marketing company in India for thedesired results.

The agencies will understand your business and itsofferings and draft an excellent marketing plan. To do this, they will throwthe ball of some questions towards you, and being the industry player you are,ensure that you hit it for six out of the ground. Enough of cricket; let uslook into those aspects and questions so you don't get bowled on agoogly.

Business, Because That's the Real Deal

The first and foremost thing a marketing agency wouldwant to inquire about is your business. Since they need to draft an effectiveplan that is in line with your business offerings, make sure to prepare answersto the following questions:

Q. When and how did you start your business?

Q. What problem does your business solve?

Q. What is your business vision?

Q. What are the short and long-term business goals?

Q. What force drives your business, and does it dothat?

Q. How do you want your customers to perceive you?

Offerings, Because They Are the Heartof Your Business

The digital marketing agency in India needs to understand what you offer -products and services. They should know how your product or service easespeople's lives, persuading them to buy from you instead of all the competitorsin the market. They might ask you the following questions to get valuableinformation in this regard.

Q. What and how do you sell?

Q. What mainly does your service/product do?

Q. How does it benefit the customers, and whatproblems does it solve?

Q. How is your product different from similar productsavailable in the market?

Marketing Strategy

Irrespective of your current marketing strategy'simpact on the business's success, it is crucial to share all the pros and conswith the agency. It will help them formulate a better and more effectivestrategy that drives growth. A few questions that they may ask are:

Q. What marketing strategy do you follow currently?

Q. What marketing activities do you do morefrequently?

Q. How do your marketing strategy and activitiesaffect the business?

Q. Do you have any data or research from thecurrent/previous marketing?

Q. Does something particular work for you every time?

Q. What is the gap between the current and desiredtarget audiences?


While this blog discusses three significant categoriesof questions, there are more. These can revolve around your competitors,business challenges, market environment/research, project objectives,timeframe, budget, and much more. Overall, you should be prepared to answer anyand every question your digital marketing company in India asks you. Thiswill help them drive your business towards digital growth and profitability.

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